People drive business and employees are your greatest asset!
Human creativity is key to promoting your EVP! AI will make some tasks easier, but HI, Human Intelligence, and the art of creativity and personal connection will not be replaced. In this article we will highlight the HI that AI can't beat!
In a tight labor market like the one we are facing today, many of us are left wondering, where have all the workers gone?
Gone are the days of writing a simple job ad and receiving a high quantity of qualified candidates. Employers today are competing for talent, and without leveling up your process, you are less likely to make a great hire.
The Art of hiring has changed. Skilled workers (who are in high demand, and short supply), are evaluating a future potential employer to decide if the company feels like a fit for them before they even hit ‘apply’.
From Job Postings that demonstrate WIFM (What’s In It For Me), to the speed of employer response and ease of scheduling interviews, it is truly a Recruiting Race, and Employers must creatively lead talent to envision their future with your company.

Best Practices:
Job Descriptions are not Job Postings.
All too often we see Job Descriptions posted as Job Ads, (and to be fair, we see plenty of candidates pasting their job descriptions under work experience in their resume) – this is not a good practice for employer or individual. Crafting a compelling Job Posting is part art and part science. AI is now offered to support the writing of Job Postings on the most popular job boards, but it has a long way to go, and doesn’t know your EVP. A job posting that gets results is concise, objective and written with the target audience in mind. This takes a human touch and a creative effort.
Define the Process before you post the job.
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Identify who will be involved in the interview process and decide: How many interviews will there be in the process? What criteria will be weighed? What skills, experience and competencies are required of a candidate, and what is desired? What training can bridge potential talent gaps? What interview questions will be asked of all candidates? How will the job be advertised to promote a diverse candidate pool? What assessments will be used to determine fit? Who will ultimately make the final hiring decision?
Create a Benchmark & minimize human bias.
The investment of using a trained consultant to create a job benchmark is a worthwhile investment. Too often, Employers are seeking an unrealistic profile of the ideal candidate based on a high performing superstar employee, or by looking to avoid another bad hire in stereotyping the failure.
Job Benchmarking is reverse engineering a job. The process identifies which specific behaviors, motivators and skill competencies determine success in the role, and the benchmark provides data points for aligning candidate selection. This minimizes human bias in the hiring process. It also demonstrates to the candidates that you are thoughtful in investing in your hiring process.
Promote your EVP.
Your Employer Value Proposition in simple terms, answers the candidates’ question, “What’s In It For Me?” Beyond immediate and obvious financial security (compensation and benefits), your EVP is the value you offer as an Employer, in return for employees’ commitment to your organization. It’s the culture you have fostered by creating a community of caring and dedicated employees, who in return receive training, development, promotion, inclusion, work/life balance, and a sense of belonging and purpose.
Wynne Hires ® helps employers at every stage in their hiring process.
Contact us today to learn more about our Hourly Consulting, Job Benchmarking and Retained Search services.